"We believe that the creative arts will always have an active role in raising awareness and forcing an issue onto the mainstream political agenda."
The website: In light of the 2008 Beijing olympics the website housing this 90 second film asks people to remember Tibet's struggle against the undemocratic government of China.
Aim: to raise awareness when China is vulnerably in the public eye with this non profit initiative by Jonathan Barnbrook and Pedro Inoue.
The political nature of the website is communicated successfully through the design...the limited colour choice screams out the determination of the sites/films creators with the impactful geometric ident complimenting this.
With the option to support/help the cause with a call to action included within the site the message should provoke a reaction from people sharing similar political views.
The film: A 90 sec animation supporting the campaign for Tibet's independence. Sophisticated graphics are accompanied by a non diegetic commentary consisting of a conversation exploring 2 opposing view points.
Bold symbols are juxtaposed with historical and cultural documentation of the campaign to create a fast moving slideshow effect animation.
I feel the visual campaign works so effectively due to the 'call to action' element at the end of each 'section'. The tone of voice is evident through the consistent use of colour and clever copy.