Monday, 18 August 2008

The Learners by Chip kidd

Kidd's second novel
Book cover design by Chip Kidd

Book cover design by Chip Kidd

"The Closest thing to a rock star in Graphic design!" 
(USA today)

Kidd has been designing striking book jackets for years, these are what first lead me to discover his novels. I found he had written 2 novels, his 2001 debut, 'The Cheese Monkeys' and a recent sequel 'The Learners' described as "a must read for the ambitious, creative or chemically unbalanecd" make these must reads!
The Learner narrative is about a fresh out of college graphic designer at a small advertising agency which raises the intriguing question as to whether it's autobiographical.
I think what makes this an ideal read for young designers is that it is full of tips on successful graphic design. 
"I wanted to include lessons on form, big and small, top to bottom, left to right' (Kidd).


Joseph Keirs said...

Closest thing to a rock star, wow what a cool statement!

I was pretty lucky in my first year, I did Alan's Graphic Design trip to New York (to go to the design conference)...managed to meet Chip Kidd, he was so inspirational. & A lot less macho than I'd imagined him, but much cooler than I could have dreamed of. He gave a really cool talk on all his projects (& his love of superheroes!)

I'm not sure if any of his lectures are online, but would be great to find some!

Maddi said...

wow, would have been cool to meet him!
if you come across any of his lectures let me know!

Joseph Keirs said...

Hey, I just tried searching his name on youtube and seems there are loads of results...including a few lectures. Though I'm yet to open them up forgive me if they are all camera phone nightmares!