Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Dennis is just too menacing!!

Even Dennis the Menace with his never ending cheek and wily nature it seems can't escape from the ferocious world of political correctness. The antics of the character and the other bash street kids have been toned down to prevent claims of homophobia and bullying. This claim has been centered around one character in particular, Walter the softy. Former editor of the comic has revealed that Dennis's victimisation of the character, an effeminate boy who liked having tea parties and picking flowers has already been diluted on purpose. In the late 1980's Walter was given a female love interest following concerns about his portrayal. Euan Kerr editor 1984-2006 denied the changes had spoilt the fiery nature if Dennis. I feel that this is taking it too far, it's all about having a sense of humour with graphic comics of this nature, not about making a political point. In response to this notion another journalist has raised the valid point that are we now taking it so far that we have to wonder why Desperate Dan was so desperate!!!

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