Saturday, 13 September 2008

Racist honoured by Royal Mail?

"She campaigned to have the poor, the sick and people of mixed race sterilised!"

Royal Mail are in the lime light this week after releasing their new collection of limited edition stamps marking women's achievements. They prompted criticism by including family planning pioneer Marie Stopes in the collection. The feminist is best remembered for opening the first family planning clinic in 1921. Stopes advocated 'perfection of the race' through selective breeding and was also branded a Nazi sympathiser. An example of her opinions, she disapproved of her own son's wife because she was short sited and wore glasses! From next month her face will appear on the 50p stamp as a representation of one of the 6th most influential women ever in British history!
Royal Mail say in their defence that a group of group of female academics and historians compiled the names and that the woman's impact on other women's lives over the years is undeniable. This is true, but in today's society surely it isn't acceptable to honour her achievement when it was fuelled by such a disturbing attitude.

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